If you are scheduled for a shift, you can click Clock In under your shift. Employees will click Time Clock in the top right.This protects any information on your account from being accessed by employees. To access your account, you will need to sign out & sign back in. Once the web time clock is open, your Homebase account will be locked in Time Clock mode.Click the Time Clock icon in the top right.

If you have allowed the setting for employees to launch their own web time clock, employees will be able to open the shared time clock. Owners & Managers can launch a shared time clock on any computer with their own login. For employees that do not have active profiles (due to missing contact info), Employers will have to provide the Employees with their PIN directly.If an employee has an active profile with contact info, they can log into the Homebase app to see their PIN under More.When finished, click Save Changes in the bottom right of the box.Type in the box under PIN to edit the pin number for the employee.Click the blue pencil icon in the first box titled Access, Roles, and Wages.Be sure you are under the Job Details tab.Click the name of the employee you would like the edit.Employees are able to see their PINs when they log into the mobile app or Homebase website.
Owners or Users can only update PINs with Manager Access in the Employee Profile. PINs are automatically generated when employees are added to Homebase